Pro-Am Polish Cup

Pro-Am Polish Cup


Zagórze 3
05-079 Zagórze




Patrycja Matyja
508 019 299

terminy zgłoszeń


Registration for contestants

Please read the Regulations prior to submitting your entry.


Pro-Am is a movement in dance which was initiated in Poland by a popular “Dancing with the Stars” TV show. We were one of the first in Poland to start organising Pro-Am dance competitions. The competitions are currently held all over Poland and gather a huge crowd of fans and most importantly, a growing number of great couples. It is a very popular movement worldwide. As a rule, a Professional dancer – a PRO, takes part in dance competitions with a person who has never competed professionally – an AMateur.
ProAm is a very popular dance teaching system that originated in the United States. Currently, there are numerous schools around the world operating in this system; it covers practically all partner-dance styles, including ballroom dancing, salsa, Argentine tango, swing and many more. A perfect option for students who start learning in this system is the ability to choose the number of dances. In the single dance category, it is enough to present one selected dance; in a 3 dance challenge category – 3 dances and in the Scholarship category – 5 dances.
See the Gallery

How to start

Pro-Am is the perfect way for fast and effective learning taking account of the pace of work,
available time and types of learned dances and tailoring them to the individual student’s needs.
See how it works in Akademia Tańca.

Our partners

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